How to Get the Most Out of Your Microsoft Project Reports - MPUG - Post navigation

How to Get the Most Out of Your Microsoft Project Reports - MPUG - Post navigation

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Didn't match my screen. Very useful. Aydin — Thank you very much for sharing your feedback. Abraco Pina. Hope this helps! Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Sign In. Lost Password.

Lost Password Please enter your username or email address. This report displays basic project information, helping project managers to have a quick overview of their project. This report can be used by project managers to understand the performance of their project when it comes to the schedule itself. It includes Baselines and Current Dates, alongside with Actual and Remaining durations and variances. This report filters and displays all the milestones that are included in the schedule, allowing project managers to understand where there are variances.

By using this report project managers can quickly identify all the critical tasks in their schedule. This report provides detailed information about the schedule, including Task Status, Tasks burn-down and Late Tasks.

The lets me create the report but I can only include the Predecessor and Successor IDs; I cannot even have names of the Predecessor and Successors. Also the report I get looks very "table-like" which is completely different from version of the report I built before. Need help ASAP, please! Those reports in earlier versions were mostly based on a combination of a table, a filter and a group. They were like output versions of the views such as the task usage or resource usage views. These two have the usage table as default, and you can combine that with some filter or group, and make your own custom views very similar to those built-in reports.

Use the Field List pane to pick different fields to compare, and use the controls to change the color and format of the chart. The Outline level box lets you select how many levels in the project outline the table should show. Comparison Sets two charts side-by-side. The charts have the same data at first. Click one chart and pick the data you want in the Field List pane to begin differentiating them. Any of the charts you create from scratch are fully customizable. You can add and delete elements and change the data to meet your needs.

Tip: You might need to resize and line up the report when you paste it into its new home. You can also print the report to share it the old-fashioned way. Use the Organizer to copy a new report into the global template for use in future projects. Compare actual work against your estimates with burndown reports. Create a timeline of key tasks and milestones. Set the status date for project reporting.

Visual reports allow you to view Project information graphically using enhanced PivotTables in Excel Once Project information has been exported to Excel, you can customize the reports further with Excel enhanced PivotTable features, such as filter slicers, searching within PivotTables, sparklines within PivotTables to show trends instantly, and OLAP write-back improvements.

The report templates in Project are divided into six categories in the Visual Reports - Create Report dialog box, which you can access by clicking Visual Reports in the Reports group of the Project tab. The following sections provide descriptions of the visual reports in each category.

You can also create your own custom reports. Custom reports will appear in the category for the type of data used. The following table describes the visual reports in the Task Usage category. These reports are based on timephased task data.

Note: Timephased assignment data is available in reports in the Assignment Usage category. Use this report to view a chart that plots AC actual cost of work performed , planned value budgeted cost of work scheduled , and earned value budgeted cost of work performed over time.

The following table describes the visual reports in the Resource Usage category. These reports are based on the timephased resource data. Use this report to view a diagram that shows planned and actual costs for your project over time. Costs are broken down by resource type work, material, and cost. An indicator shows if planned costs exceed baseline costs.

Use this report to view a diagram that shows the work and remaining availability for your project's resources, broken down by resource type work, material, and cost. A red flag is displayed next to each resource that is overallocated. Use this report to view a pie chart that illustrates the division of resource cost between the three resource types: cost, material, and work.

Use this report to view a bar graph with total capacity, work, and remaining availability for work resources illustrated over time. Use this report to view a bar graph with total resource capacity, work, remaining availability, and actual work illustrated in work units.

The following table describes the visual reports in the Assignment Usage category. These reports are based on the timephased data, similar to the data found in the Task Usage and Resource Usage views. Use this report to view a bar graph with baseline cost, planned cost, and actual cost for your project illustrated across tasks. Use this report to view a diagram of your project broken down by quarter, then by task.

This report compares planned work and cost to baseline work and cost. Indicators are used to show when planned work exceeds baseline work, and when planned cost exceeds baseline cost. Use this report to view a bar graph with baseline work, planned work, and actual work for your project illustrated across tasks.

Use this report to view a bar graph with budget cost, baseline cost, planned cost, and actual cost illustrated over time.



Best microsoft project 2016 reports free. How to Get the Most Out of Your Microsoft Project Reports


With Project, you can create and customize striking graphical reports of whatever project data you want, without having to rely on any other software. As you work on the project, the reports change to reflect the latest info — no manual updates required!

See a list of all reports and how you can use them. In the View Reports group, click the type of report you want and then pick a specific report. The Project Overview report combines graphs and tables to show where each phase of the project stands, upcoming milestones, and tasks that are past their due dates. You can customize the content and the look of any of the reports, or build a new one from scratch. Change the data in a report. Change how a report looks. Make your own report. Share a report.

Make a new report available for future projects. More ways to report project info. Use the Field list pane on the right of the screen to pick fields to show and filter information.

Tip: When you click a chart, three buttons also pop up directly to the right of the chart. Use the Chart Elements and Chart Filters buttons to quickly pick elements such as data labels and filter the information that goes into the chart. In the Field List pane, go to the Filter box and pick Critical. In the Outline Level box, pick Level 2. For this example, this is the first level of the outline that has subtasks instead of summary tasks.

With Project, you control the look of your reports, from no-nonsense black and white to explosions of colors and effects. Tip: You can make a report part of a split view so you can see the report change in real time as you work on project data.

To learn more, see Split a view. Click anywhere in the report and then click Report Tools Design to see the options for changing the look of the whole report. From this tab, you can change the font, color, or theme of the whole report. You can also add new images including photos , shapes, charts, or tables here.

When you click individual elements charts, tables, and so on of a report, new tabs appear at the top of the screen with options for formatting that part. Drawing Tools Format tab. Format shapes and text boxes. Picture Tools Format tab. Add effects to pictures. Configure and tweak tables, like you would in other Office programs. Configure and tweak charts. Click the Chart Styles button to quickly change the color or style of a chart.

Pick a new style from the Chart Styles group. This style removes the lines and adds shadows to the columns. Give the chart some depth. Add a background color. Change the bar colors. Just a few clicks make a big difference. And we only scratched the surface of the formatting options. Blank Creates a blank canvas. Use the Report Tools Design tab to add charts, tables, text, and images. Use the Field List pane to pick different fields to compare, and use the controls to change the color and format of the chart.

The Outline level box lets you select how many levels in the project outline the table should show. Comparison Sets two charts side-by-side. The charts have the same data at first. Click one chart and pick the data you want in the Field List pane to begin differentiating them. Any of the charts you create from scratch are fully customizable. You can add and delete elements and change the data to meet your needs.

Tip: You might need to resize and line up the report when you paste it into its new home. You can also print the report to share it the old-fashioned way. Use the Organizer to copy a new report into the global template for use in future projects. Compare actual work against your estimates with burndown reports. Create a timeline of key tasks and milestones. Set the status date for project reporting. Visual reports allow you to view Project information graphically using enhanced PivotTables in Excel Once Project information has been exported to Excel, you can customize the reports further with Excel enhanced PivotTable features, such as filter slicers, searching within PivotTables, sparklines within PivotTables to show trends instantly, and OLAP write-back improvements.

The report templates in Project are divided into six categories in the Visual Reports - Create Report dialog box, which you can access by clicking Visual Reports in the Reports group of the Project tab. The following sections provide descriptions of the visual reports in each category. You can also create your own custom reports. Custom reports will appear in the category for the type of data used.

The following table describes the visual reports in the Task Usage category. These reports are based on timephased task data. Note: Timephased assignment data is available in reports in the Assignment Usage category. Use this report to view a chart that plots AC actual cost of work performed , planned value budgeted cost of work scheduled , and earned value budgeted cost of work performed over time.

The following table describes the visual reports in the Resource Usage category. These reports are based on the timephased resource data. Use this report to view a diagram that shows planned and actual costs for your project over time. Costs are broken down by resource type work, material, and cost.

An indicator shows if planned costs exceed baseline costs. Use this report to view a diagram that shows the work and remaining availability for your project's resources, broken down by resource type work, material, and cost. A red flag is displayed next to each resource that is overallocated. Use this report to view a pie chart that illustrates the division of resource cost between the three resource types: cost, material, and work. Use this report to view a bar graph with total capacity, work, and remaining availability for work resources illustrated over time.

Use this report to view a bar graph with total resource capacity, work, remaining availability, and actual work illustrated in work units. The following table describes the visual reports in the Assignment Usage category. These reports are based on the timephased data, similar to the data found in the Task Usage and Resource Usage views.

Use this report to view a bar graph with baseline cost, planned cost, and actual cost for your project illustrated across tasks. Use this report to view a diagram of your project broken down by quarter, then by task. This report compares planned work and cost to baseline work and cost. Indicators are used to show when planned work exceeds baseline work, and when planned cost exceeds baseline cost.

Use this report to view a bar graph with baseline work, planned work, and actual work for your project illustrated across tasks. Use this report to view a bar graph with budget cost, baseline cost, planned cost, and actual cost illustrated over time.

Use this report to view a bar graph with budget work, baseline work, planned work, and actual work illustrated over time. Task, Resource, and Assignment Summary categories. The following table describes the visual reports in the Task Summary, Resource Summary, and Assignment Summary categories. Summary reports do not include timephased data. Use this report to view a diagram showing the work and remaining work for both critical and non-critical tasks. The data bar indicates the percent of work complete.

Use this report to view a diagram of the work and percent of work complete for tasks in your project, with symbols indicating when baseline work exceeds work, when baseline work equals work, and when work exceeds baseline work. Use this report to view a bar graph with remaining work and actual work for each work resource, illustrated in work units. Use this report to view a diagram of the work and cost values for each of your project's resources.

The percent of work complete is indicated by the shading in each of the boxes on the diagram. The shading gets darker as the resource nears completion of the assigned work. On the Project tab, in the Reports group, click Visual Reports. In the Visual Reports dialog box, on the All tab, click the report that you want to create. If the report that you want to create is not listed, select the Include report templates from check box, and then click Modify to browse to the location that contains your report.

Tip: If you know which category contains the report, you can click that category's tab to view a shorter list of reports. If you only want to list reports that open in either Excel or Visio, select or clear the Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Visio check box. To change the level of usage data included in the report, select Years , Quarters , Months , Weeks , or Days from the Select level of usage data to include in the report list.


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